Feb 8, 2007


Back from Hannover!
Lots of things to say/pictures to post, but for the time being, on to something relevant to a doll site... Here are the first picture I made using my light tent:

Honestly? I am not in the slightest impressed. The picture above took some photoshopping to look like that, and still doesn't look right.
That thing has costed me about 200 bucks. I could have bought a doll with that money, and to me the lights are simply not bright enough. I don't know if it has to do with the tent being too big (trust me, it is HUGE) or the lights too crap.

What to do? Send it back and ask for a refund?
Keep it and try to learn how make the most of it?
Whatever. I still have a few days to decide.

2 said:

Luciana Svilpa said...

I say keep it - in fact, I bet you will have amazing pictures sooner than later. Some adventurous professionals make tents out of cardboard boxes, so I know you will be able to take more than decent pictures - light positioning and/or light bouncing can only be mastered with lots of practice. I went ahead and tried post-producing your picture a little (maybe you are using your laptop's monitor and it doesn't have great contrast?) and adjusted the levels to make it look a little bit sharper. I can send you the picture for you to take a look at, but you can totally do that by yourself. Image > Adjustments > Levels > Now, move the middle slider (in the middle of the histogram) slightly to the right. Just this one step will make a huge difference. Tell me what you think.
Luciana Svilpa

Anonymous said...

I don't have any idea of how to work a light tent, but I believe you just need some time to adjust to it.

Take more pictures, feel more "confortable"... I think then you'll be able to tell if you like it or if it's just not your thing...

I like this pic you posted a lot!! It looks just right to me!

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