Mar 29, 2007

Domestic Goddess

Little one will be spoilt for choice, ma'am.

She is actually babysitting. Theodora's mother is a Go for victory that will, hopefully, arrive this week (got her for cheapo at sale).

Waiting for that burp...

She is one busy babysitter!

Gotta love Re-ment and vintage sindy furniture!
Well, nothing in this dollhouse is really ready, as you can see. But I can't possibly beging to tell how much FUN I'm getting out of it. Browsing Ebay for dollie furniture has quickly became an addiction.

And I also need to add how surprised I am with Momokos - they'se simply delightful. At first that ultra skinny body gave me the creeps but I quickly got used to it and now I love how she can wear Pullips/Blythe/Barbie clothes (even Barbie looking positively "fat" and huge in comparison). They are also unbelievably poseable and much prettier in person. I am also waiting for a Mama Told me, that i finally decided to buy (despite of the price). Those pink creepers!!

P.S.: I loved the idea of a PullipPedia group at Flickr (Blythes have something similar, and cute Pullips bloody well deserved something like that, too). I then got motivated and created groups to join the PullipPedia. I was going to send invites, but it's tiresome to browse more than 200 names on my friend list on Flickr to find out who has which doll, so... I'll make the invitation here: if you have a Flickr account and also any of the following dolls, join the groups and let's create a nice database for our little ones.

Anne Shirley | Principessa | Craziia | Wind | Bouquet | Squall

Those are my groups only. Of course there is a group for every Pullip around and, if yours isn't listed already, feel free to create a group for her! :)

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