Jul 16, 2007

Arrivals and Make Overs...

First of all, my Asian Butterfly is finally here!

She is much more gorgeous than expected. Ok, the lips are worn and there's a bit of blue stain in the back of her head (luckily covered by hair), things that were omitted by the seller. Oh well. But this hair just glows in the light, it's hard to describe. :)

I was sadly contemplating the possibility of selling Morphine (my Very Cherry Berry). There was simply too much hair for me to take. The poor dearie was gathering dust on the shelf for ages, and I wanted a doll with dark, short hair and a fringe. But at the same time I couldn't bear the idea of packing my pretty doll and send her out to an unknown destiny. Call me the freaky doll lady, but I tend to think my dolls are safe with me.

Then I realized all I had to do was to cut Morphine's hair. RBLs are great because their eyes are so expressive and their heads so easy to open, but you can't beat EBLs hair quality and those awesome eyes. Besides, I didn't really want the new doll to be tanned skin. So, here's Morphine and her new 'do:

I still need to trim the fringe and curl the ends, but the lenght is exactly what I wanted. Not sure about the lipstick. Maybe there will be more changes in the future.

But out of the shelf she is, and trying on new outfits she is, and happy we are. :)

1 said:

Anonymous said...

this dolls are gorgeous! *___*
where do you get it?

Your blog is sooo adorable, contrats!

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