Jan 9, 2008

vintage baby.

even though i feel i was a bit let down by people i've helped, i won't let it spoil the hobby for me.
i still love my dolls as much as when i bought them.

maybe some small pleasures are to be kept private.
maybe one should trust the old friends (those who have passed the test of time) more than the new ones, no matter how alike they seem to be.

that's some new lessons learnt in this brand new year. :)

1 said:

Unknown said...

I've always felt that we need to enjoy ourselves more, enjoy playing with the dolls, changing them, taking pictures (even if we never post them - the fun is in the "journey") more than worrying about "the community".

But that's a different subject - it's always much more complicated when someone we regard as a friend let us down. Only time can tell who will be there for the long run, I agree...

Whatever happened, keep this attitude and don't let anyone get in the way between you and your precious dolls. They are better than most people and deserve the attention. ;)

Moyra looks like perfection in this style of pic! She really looks like a child from another age... maybe a victorian girl... travelled to this day and age to treat our eyes with her lovely look!

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